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Firmware Search

How to restore or update your iPod/iPhone/iPad:

After downloading the desired firmware below, you can shift-click (PC) or option-click (Mac) the Restore or Update buttons in iTunes. A file dialog will open and let you choose the downloaded ipsw-file.

Note: Your browser may change the ipsw-file into a zip-file. In that case, just rename it to end in .ipsw and iTunes will accept it.
If you don't know what device or specific device generation you got, click here.
iPhone / iPod touch / iPad
By clicking Download, you will be redirected to an Apple Inc. server. The list of available firmwares is automatically updated and always the most recent version.

Motorola Schematic

Motorola SchematicSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

The description of a file The size of a file Download
Schematic for Motorola A780
0.93 Mb
Schematic for Motorola A820-A830
1.86 Mb
Schematic for Motorola A835
2.26 Mb
Schematic for Motorola A920-A925
2.00 Mb
Schematic for Motorola A1000
1.56 Mb
Schematic for Motorola C115
0.84 Mb
Schematic for Motorola C118
0.95 Mb
Schematic for Motorola C139
1.56 Mb
Schematic for Motorola C155-C156
4.47 Mb
Schematic for Motorola C168
0.40 Mb
Schematic for Motorola C200
0.51 Mb
Schematic for Motorola C250-C350
1.38 Mb
Schematic for Motorola C257-C261
2.97 Mb
Schematic for Motorola C370-C450
1.56 Mb
Schematic for Motorola C380
1.30 Mb
Schematic for Motorola C550
1.19 Mb
Schematic for Motorola C650
1.14 Mb
Schematic for Motorola C975-C980
3.90 Mb
Schematic for Motorola E1
0.81 Mb
Schematic for Motorola E365
0.72 Mb
Schematic for Motorola E398
3.84 Mb
Schematic for Motorola E680
1.17 Mb
Schematic for Motorola E770
1.86 Mb
Schematic for Motorola E1000
4.07 Mb
Schematic for Motorola E1070
0.69 Mb
Schematic for Motorola F3
0.81 Mb
Schematic for Motorola K1
1.18 Mb
Schematic for Motorola K3
1.36 Mb
Schematic for Motorola L2-L8
0.39 Mb
Schematic for Motorola L6
0.51 Mb
Schematic for Motorola L6 i-mode
0.45 Mb
Schematic for Motorola L7
0.80 Mb
Schematic for Motorola L7i
0.37 Mb
Schematic for Motorola L7 i-mode
0.52 Mb
Schematic for Motorola L72-L9
1.16 Mb
Schematic for Motorola M3x88
1.50 Mb
Schematic for Motorola MPx220
1.45 Mb
Schematic for Motorola T180
1.14 Mb
Schematic for Motorola T190-T191
0.28 Mb
Schematic for Motorola T192
1.92 Mb
Schematic for Motorola T193
2.13 Mb
Schematic for Motorola T200-T205
2.80 Mb
Schematic for Motorola T720
0.95 Mb
Schematic for Motorola U6
4.33 Mb
Schematic for Motorola U9
12.9 Mb
Schematic for Motorola V3
0.38 Mb
Schematic for Motorola V3i
1.13 Mb
Schematic for Motorola V3r
5.11 Mb
Schematic for Motorola V3x
2.38 Mb
Schematic for Motorola V3xx
2.75 Mb
Schematic for Motorola V6
0.54 Mb
Schematic for Motorola V6 maxx
1.47 Mb
Schematic for Motorola V8
2.59 Mb
Schematic for Motorola V9
1.39 Mb
Schematic for Motorola V66
2.32 Mb
Schematic for Motorola V70
1.00 Mb
Schematic for Motorola V80
2.57 Mb
Schematic for Motorola V100
3.18 Mb
Schematic for Motorola V150
0.60 Mb
Schematic for Motorola V171
0.80 Mb
Schematic for Motorola V175
1.00 Mb
Schematic for Motorola V177
0.75 Mb
Schematic for Motorola V180
0.63 Mb
Schematic for Motorola V220
1.94 Mb
Schematic for Motorola V235
2.99 Mb
Schematic for Motorola V300-V500-V600
0.89 Mb
Schematic for Motorola V360
0.39 Mb
Schematic for Motorola V547-V551-V555
0.74 Mb
Schematic for Motorola V557
0.61 Mb
Schematic for Motorola V630
0.39 Mb
Schematic for Motorola V635
0.93 Mb
Schematic for Motorola V980
1.59 Mb
Schematic for Motorola W206-W213
0.88 Mb
Schematic for Motorola W208
1.53 Mb
Schematic for Motorola W215-W218
0.79 Mb
Schematic for Motorola W220
1.72 Mb
Schematic for Motorola W375
2.82 Mb
Schematic for Motorola W510
1.35 Mb
Schematic for Motorola Z3
0.62 Mb
Schematic for Motorola Z6
3.29 Mb
Schematic for Motorola Z8
3.25 Mb

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