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Firmware Search

How to restore or update your iPod/iPhone/iPad:

After downloading the desired firmware below, you can shift-click (PC) or option-click (Mac) the Restore or Update buttons in iTunes. A file dialog will open and let you choose the downloaded ipsw-file.

Note: Your browser may change the ipsw-file into a zip-file. In that case, just rename it to end in .ipsw and iTunes will accept it.
If you don't know what device or specific device generation you got, click here.
iPhone / iPod touch / iPad
By clicking Download, you will be redirected to an Apple Inc. server. The list of available firmwares is automatically updated and always the most recent version.

Siemens Schematic

Siemens SchematicSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

The description of a file The size of a file Download
Schematic for Siemens A31
0.57 Mb
Schematic for Siemens A38
7.78 Mb
Schematic for Siemens A50
0.71 Mb
Schematic for Siemens A55
0.76 Mb
Schematic for Siemens A65
0.93 Mb
Schematic for Siemens A70
0.51 Mb
Schematic for Siemens A75
0.52 Mb
Schematic for Siemens AF51
0.52 Mb
Schematic for Siemens AL21
0.53 Mb
Schematic for Siemens AX75
0.49 Mb
Schematic for Siemens C35-M35
1.50 Mb
Schematic for Siemens C45
0.91 Mb
Schematic for Siemens C55
0.97 Mb
Schematic for Siemens C60
0.57 Mb
Schematic for Siemens C65
1.10 Mb
Schematic for Siemens C72
1.16 Mb
Schematic for Siemens C75
1.00 Mb
Schematic for Siemens C81
0.95 Mb
Schematic for Siemens CF62
1.37 Mb
Schematic for Siemens CF75
0.60 Mb
Schematic for Siemens CF100
0.48 Mb
Schematic for Siemens CX65
1.31 Mb
Schematic for Siemens CX70
0.67 Mb
Schematic for Siemens CX75
0.72 Mb
Schematic for Siemens E61
0.49 Mb
Schematic for Siemens E71
0.99 Mb
Schematic for Siemens EF81
0.86 Mb
Schematic for Siemens EL71
0.88 Mb
Schematic for Siemens M315
0.48 Mb
Schematic for Siemens M55
0.95 Mb
Schematic for Siemens M65
1.70 Mb
Schematic for Siemens M75
0.72 Mb
Schematic for Siemens MC60
0.94 Mb
Schematic for Siemens S35
1.54 Mb
Schematic for Siemens S45
0.93 Mb
Schematic for Siemens S55
1.08 Mb
Schematic for Siemens S65
2.02 Mb
Schematic for Siemens S68
0.75 Mb
Schematic for Siemens S75
1.00 Mb
Schematic for Siemens S88
0.52 Mb
Schematic for Siemens SK65
0.95 Mb
Schematic for Siemens SL45
1.13 Mb
Schematic for Siemens SL55
0.90 Mb
Schematic for Siemens SL65
0.64 Mb
Schematic for Siemens SL75
0.88 Mb
Schematic for Siemens SX1
1.78 Mb
Schematic for Siemens SXG75
0.85 Mb

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